When there is cash, they is additionally inconvenience. It isn't so much that cash are terrible or something, simply that generally there are individuals who like to get cash on the easy way, beside those individuals who contribute a great deal of time and energy to pick up those cash. We are discussing hoodlums, the individuals who are adequately impulsive to attempt to detract from somebody, something that doesn't have a place with them.
Paul, Brian and Emily are a gathering of criminologists who are set for discover what occurred on the conference between two major financial specialists. In particular, while they were taking about their work, thinking about some significant parts of their work, unexpectedly a gathering of veiled individuals came into their office. They doubtlessly didn't expect something like this, yet they additionally didn't expect that they will be burglarized.
The two finance managers were left confounded and now it's dependent upon the investigators to discover who were those individuals with veils. Paul, Brian and Emily are set up to take the necessary steps to discover the looters and put them behind the bars.